Name of Person Completing Form (usually, the Small Group Rep)*
Leadership Group Elder (Chair-Elect) 3 year position. Must be a member. Would serve as chair-elect Sept 2024-Aug 2025, then as chair of Leadership Group Sept 2025-Aug 2027. Randy Roth '24, Leon Bauman '24 , Sara Morris '25 (chair), Cheryl Shreiner '25, Trevor Daugherty '26, Ben Sywulka '26
Is this volunteer candidate for elder chair-elect currently a member of Assembly? Is this nominee for chair-elect currently a member of the congregation? Is this 2nd nominee for chair-elect currently a member of the congregation? Elder 3 year position. Must be a member. Randy Roth '24, Leon Bauman '24 , Sara Morris '25 (chair), Cheryl Shreiner '25, Trevor Daugherty '26, Ben Sywulka '26
Is this volunteer candidate for elder currently a member of Assembly? Is this nominee for elder currently a member of the congregation? Is this 2nd nominee for elder currently a member of the congregation? Apprentice Elder(s) 1 year position. Alex Graber Neufeld '24, ______________ '25. Candidates for apprentice elder do not have to be covenanted members of Assembly. They are often young adults/college students/relatively new to Assembly. The Apprentice Elder has an opportunity to learn about Assembly's leadership systems, and to contribute their own voice as a participant on Leadership Group for one year.
Leader Selection Committee Leader Selection Committee 3 year position. Serves as chair in 3rd year. Must be a member, and active in a small group. Jeanne Liechty '24 , Sandy Fribley (chair) '25, Tristan Beechy-King '26 , ______________ '27
Is this volunteer candidate for Leader Selection Committee currently a member of Assembly?
Congregational Meeting Facilitator Alternate Congregational Mtg Facilitator 2 year position; 1st year as facilitator-elect. Member preferred. Marshall King '24 , Glenn Gilbert '25 , _________________ '26
Minute Taker for Congregational Meetings Minute Takers for Congregational Meetings (Volunteer Only) Jeannette Hughes, Marshall King, Maria Wenger, Barb Swartley, Judith Davis, Wendel Landes , _[volunteers only] __
Youth Coordinators (MYF) MYF Coordinator(s) Two year position, 10 hours/week (.25 FTE). Chosen by a special search committee. Stephen Lowe '24, Marlette Gomez Wengerd '24, Ryan Gomez Wengerd '24 , ________________ '26, _______________ '26
Worship Committee Worship Committee Two year position. Brian Roots (chair) '25, Kimberly Glick '25, Bill Mateer '25, Julie Keim '25, Jeannette Hughes '26, Anna Yoder Schlabach (pastor), ___________ '26
I am willing to be considered for <u>Chair</u> of Worship Committee Please enter your name
We recommend for Worship Committee <u>Chair</u> Please enter up to two names
Summer Worship Committee Summer Worship Committee 2024 One year position. _____________ (chair), ______________, ______________, ______________, ________________, ______________ (youth)
Children & Youth Formation Hidden
Chair of Sunday School Committee Three year position. Bethany Swope '23 _________________ '26
Elementary & Jr Youth Coordinator Two year position. Nadia Shank '24, _________________ '26
Children & Worship Coordinator Two year position. Rose Stutzman '23 , Lois Kaufmann (continuing in mentor/support role '24), _________________ '25
Early Childhood Ed Coordinator Two year position. Lisa Rose Martin '24, _________________ '26
Junior Youth Sponsors Junior Youth Sponsors Two year position. Plans monthly activities with jr high youth. (This role does not involve teaching Sunday school). Becky Snider '24, Jonathon Schramm '24 _________________ '26, _________________ '26
Sunday School Teachers / Assistants Names collected here will be passed on to the Sunday school committee. (Leader selection Committee does not coordinate Sunday school teachers). Please do not nominate others outside of yourself and your own small group for Sunday school teacher here. If you know of someone who you think would be gifted at teaching Sunday school, please reach out to them directly and encourage them to contact the Sunday School Committee or pastoral team.
Sunday School Teachers 1 quarter - 1 year position. Many volunteers needed each year. (Volunteer Only)
Children in Worship SS Storyteller (teachers K and Gr 1) One year position, training required. , __________________, ___________________
Sunday School Assistants and Children in Worship SS Greeters (assistants for K and Gr 1) Many volunteers needed each year. (Volunteer Only)
VBS Interchurch Planning Group Rep In recent years we have partnered with Silverwood Mennonite and other area Mennonite churches to offer a Bible school with an Anabaptist/Peace focus. If you would like to be involved in co-leading/planning a Bible school program in collaboration with other area congregations, please enter your name as a volunteer.
Electives Committee Chair Two year position. Dana Miller '23 , chair of Sunday School committee, worship committee rep, Lora Nafziger (pastor) , _______________ '25
Hospitality Committee Hospitality Committee Three year position (August-May). Mary Gilbert '25, Susan Nelson '25, Michael Miller '26, Julia Gautsche '26, Jessica Schirch '26, Chris Stump '26, _________________ (chair or co-chair) '27, _________________ '27
Sound Committee Sound Committee (Volunteer Only) Merle Baker, Patrick Coonan, Glenn Gilbert, Ben Good-Elliott, Phil Good-Elliott, Eric Kaufmann, Marshall King, Sean Smuts ____[volunteers] ______
Library Committee Hidden
Library Committee Two year position. Maria Wenger (chair) ’20, Abby Nafziger’20, Eunice Brenneman’20, Ellen Kennel ’20, Marna Mateer ’20, Kathleen Jones ’20, Byrdalene Horst ’21 , _________________ '21, _______________ '21
Retreat Committee Hidden
Retreat Committee Two year position. Jenna Martin (co-chair) '24, Betsy McCanse '24, Paul Horst '24, Wendell Landes '25, Erich Schramm '25, Katie Schramm '25, Doug Schirch '25, Scott Coulter (pastor), _________________ (co-chair) '25, ______________ '25
Lunch Bunch Coordinators Hidden
Lunch Bunch Coordinators Two year position. Lois Nafziger '23, Amy Kauffman '24 _____________ '25
Small Groups Oversight Committee Small Groups Oversight Committee Three year position. Pastor of Faith Formation, _____________ '25, _____________ '26, _____________ '27
Building Committee Building Committee Chris Klassen, Daniel Mast, Glenn Gilbert, James David Leonard, Dana Miller (chair), Adam Graber Roth, Steve Shantz, Naomi Roots (staff), Scott Coulter (pastor) , __volunteers _____
This is a relatively new committee at Assembly. Its role is to oversee inventory, storage and care of visual art pieces owned by the congregation, and to make decisions about accepting (or not accepting) donations of artwork, and to make decisions about the display of artwork in the meeting house. This group is not in charge of worship visuals. If you have experience and an interest in this work, please contact the Pastor of Congregational Life. We plan to open this position to Leader Selection nominations in 2025. The current committee is Bre Daugherty '26, Eric Good Kaufmann '25
Landscaping Committee Landscaping Committee Naomi Roots (staff), Julia Gautsche '25, Bev Lapp '25, Jerry Lapp '25, Peter Martin '26, John Nafziger '26, Mary Roth '27, Meribeth Shank '27, Jonathon Schramm '27, __volunteers __
Finance Committee Finance Committee Two year position. Dancy Hirschler (treasurer) '26, John Nafziger (offering manager) '25, Bill Mateer '26, Patrick Farran '25, Larry Gautsche (chair) '25 , ______________ '25, _______________ '26
Student Aid Committee Two year position. Paul Meyer Reimer '22, Cheryl Mast '23.
Treasurer John Nafziger '20
Two-Percent Fund Committee Three Year Position; two term max. Sarah Phend Horst '22, Sandy Fribley '22, Kathleen Jones '22 Barb Swartley (Finance-2% link), Joel Zwier ’23, Glenn Gilbert '23, ____________ '25 (chair), ___________ '25, ____________ '25
Reparations Committee Reparations Committee Two Year Position. Arden Shank (chair) '26, Jason Kauffman '25, Glenn Gilbert '25, Meribeth Shank '25, Deb Johnston, '25, Karl Shelly (pastor) , ___________ '26
Goshen Ministerial Association Emergency Fund Rep 3 year term. Joel Zwier '26,
Prayer Ministry Team Prayer Ministry Team Currently serving: Bertha Beachy, Anne Birky, Sandy Fribley, Joyce Hostetler, Jon Zirkle, ____________, _____________
Safety Networks An Assembly based immigrant support network. More information upon request. Currently serving: Michelle Shelly, Ben Beyeler, Marlette Gomez Wengerd, Naomi Roots
Repair Network Ministry Team A ministry team that works in various ways to participate in the dismantling of the doctrine of discovery. Currently serving: Anne Birky, Deb Bloom, John Blosser, Heather Bridger-Ulloa, Barb Hassan, Deb Johnston, Tom Kauffman, Norm Kauffmann (convener), Sharon Kauffmann, Randy Roth, Karl Shelly (pastor), Jim Stump, Beck Unternahrer, Maria Wenger
Dismantling Patriarchy Ministry Team This ministry team is not currently active.
Immigrant Family Support Ministry Team Current members of this ministry team include: Leon Bauman (convener), Patricia Ebersole Zwier, Barb Hassan, Natalie Hooley, Ruth Kauffmann, Mari Martinez, Patricia Nuyken, Brian Roots, Naomi Roots, Mary Roth, Randy Roth, Char Yutzy, Joel Zwier. Volunteers are welcome.
Assembly "Green Team" Current members of this ministry team include: Ruth Kauffmann (convener), Ben Beyeler, Bill Davis, Judith Davis, Glenn Gilbert, Rod Hanby, Eric Kaufmann, Jerry Lapp, John Nafziger, Mary Roth, Steve Shantz, Karl Shelly (pastor)
Conference Delegates Central District Conference Delegates (Summer 2024) 2 year position. Jodi Beyeler '25, Jason Kauffman '25, Karl Shelly (pastor), Anna Yoder Schlabach (pastor), _____________ '26, ___________ '26, ___________ '26, ___(MYF delegate)___'25
Goshen Montessori Preschool Board Goshen Montessori Preschool Board 3 year position. Joel Kern ’26 (Board President), Nadia Shank ’26, Lois Hess Nafziger ’25, Jane Baker ’25, Caleb Morris ’25, Emily Stump (Treasurer), Chris Stump (Executive Director), Sarah Horst (Program Director), Jeff Blosser, Tricia Blosser, ___________.
Someone in our small group is interested in helping the congregation stay connected with: (You may select one or more organizations listed below).
Mennonite Central Committee / Mennonite Mission Network Support Teams Mennonite Central Committee Support Teams To support Kelly and Peter Shenk Koontz in their work abroad. Currently serving: Jodi Beyeler, Adam Graber Roth, Karen Graber Roth, Bev Lapp, Jan Siemens
Mennonite Mission Network Support Teams To support Mitch Rhodes and Lora Nafziger in their work abroad. Currently serving: Brooke Rothshank, Cheryl Shreiner, Jessica Baldanzi, Kyle Schlabach