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Advent 2024: Expecting Emmanuel

Advent begins on December 1. This year we are drawing on the Advent devotional, “Expecting Emmanuel” by Johanna Harader.

Over the four weeks of Advent and through Epiphany, we will turn our attention to the women who are listed in Jesus’ genealogy, Jesus’ great great grandmothers. We’ll hear their stories and consider how their humanity connects with ours, how God is present with us all, and what it means to claim that the divine One became human in the particular body of Jesus.

Season of Epiphany

What if the church took one year to focus on the stories of women in the Bible? This is the premise of the Women’s Lectionary by Ashley M. Wilcox. Wilcox reimagines the liturgical calendar of preaching to focus on the passages that are about women in the Bible and feminine imagery for God. The texts include women who are daughters, wives and mothers and they are also strong female leads, troublemakers, disciples and prophets.

Epiphany is a season for insight and for new understandings. What are the things that are being revealed to us in this season? What are we being encouraged to perceive in new ways? If we can stay open and curious, what insights might be given to us?

Worship With Us


Join us in person for worship at 9:30 AM or on Zoom.

Small Groups

Small groups are integral to the life of our congregation. They are the best place for care and nurture of individuals, for support and accountability in our faith journeys, for some stages of communal discernment, and for some types of mission and outreach.


As a reconciling faith community, we seek to follow Jesus’ example by welcoming all who come our way, regardless of age, economic or social circumstances, ethnic background, gender, marital status, physical ability, race, or sexual orientation.

Privileges of the Child

We seek to keep children in the midst of our congregation, the responsibility of all, to be known by name, to be valued persons in the congregation, and active participants in worship.

Small Groups

The Arts

From four-part singing, to drumming, to visuals, to dance, the arts are highly valued and central to our worship.